s i g n u p
s t a t i s t i c s
b a n n e r s
c o n t e n t
f . a . q .
t e r m s
s u p p o r t

How much do you pay?

Get paid 50% of every sale and 50% of ALL recurring sales for life...this is where the real money is made.

Do you allow blind links?

Yes, you can send traffic anyway you want to.
You can use, banners, fullpage add's, blindlinks, texlinks, blind thumbs, etc.. but do not spam!

When do I get paid?

Payments are made each week by CCBILL. Pay periods are from Monday to Sunday. Checks are sent on Wednesdays via U.S. Mail.

Can I put up multiple banners on multiple sites?

Yes, and we recommend putting up the same provided link code on as many pages and/or sites as you would like. The more banners you put up the more money you make!

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